Tag Archives: Google Analytics

New Google Analytics – How Many Keywords? – Where is it?

Where are they?



It appears that you may have to re-adjust a few new changes in Google Analytics. Previously when looking at the “Keywords” it would list a nice overview phrase such as:

“Search sent 134,239 total visits via 53,902 keywordsContinue reading New Google Analytics – How Many Keywords? – Where is it?

Google Analytics IQ Lessons Notes (2012) New Version 5 – Part 2

Part 2 of the Notes from the Google Analytics IQ Lessons. Remember, you will need to also watch the presentations for visual clarity. The notes on their own won’t be adequate

•Account Administration


Click the Account Administration icon to manage your accounts, web properties, profiles, and user access. (You can find the icon at the top right of any screen in Google Analytics.)
You’ll be taken to the Account Administration screen which lists all of the Analytics accounts to which you have access.


The ”Plus New Account” button is how you would create a new analytics account under the login that you are currently using.

So, when should you create a new account? If you manage the analytics services for several websites which belong to different organizations, you’ll generally want to create a new account for each organization. We’ll discuss this best practice in a few minutes. Continue reading Google Analytics IQ Lessons Notes (2012) New Version 5 – Part 2

Google Analytics IQ Lessons Notes (2012) New Version 5 – Part 1

Taking the Google Analytics IQ Certification Test requires reviewing all the “Google Analytics IQ Lessons” – There are notes available online in other sources but they are not up to date. These notes were all captured and brought up to date so that new test takers would have the most current study notes available. without having to copy and paste from every tutorial. Notes captured on March 2012 – these also include the V5 new interface notes.

Introduction to Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free, web analytics tool that is hosted by Google.

Google Analytics shows you how visitors actually find and use your site, so you’ll be able to

• make informed site design and content decisions

• improve your site to convert more visitors into customers Continue reading Google Analytics IQ Lessons Notes (2012) New Version 5 – Part 1

Google Analytics Qualification Test – How To Pass Test?


Before taking, I knew that there would be a fair amount of studying to do. I am like most Marketers, who maybe have used GA in smaller capabilities over the years. If you are completely new, then you need to spend a few hours “dinking” around in the program, so you are familiar with where things are.  Now the difference between those who use it for marketing and those who are “qualified in Google Analytics”, can be a bit of night and day. As most use GA simply as an over complex hit counter of sorts.

Google Analytics can do alot more, and alot more than can get you better and faster answers about your data.

To sum things up better, once you’ve went thru the process of learning, taking the test and being able to proclaim certification….you will have an understanding of – Segments, Event Tracking, Campaigns, Filters, Expressions (to some extent), Regex, Site Search, Goals, Advanced Segments and Cross Domain Tracking to name a few

Most users of GA – Open it up, check the dashboard readings and move on (aka – over complex hit counter of sorts)

All that “stuff” may sound intimidating off the cuff, but trust me…..1 step at a time, go thru the lessons…and read all the links and suggestions. You’ll come out a winner Continue reading Google Analytics Qualification Test – How To Pass Test?

SEO: How to Extract Common keywords from Google Analytics?

SEO – Extreme Keyword Analysis
Extracting phrases and common words to better format your pages

At some point, if you are a serious SEO your gonna want to dig a little deeper into data to see how your web page efforts are going.

The process I’ve used actually requires 2 bits of free software
01- Google Analytics account (with adequate amount of data to analyze)

02- A FREE piece of software called “Primitive Word Counter”

and Excel

Now I will say that upon looking for keyword extraction software I had almost given up. Though at the zero hour I found exactly what I needed to make a SEO overview of one of my clients sites.

So lets get into the process:



01- Open your Google Analytics account (of website you are analyzing)
02- Go into “traffic sources–>Keywords
03- Change the date range to at least a year’s worth
(this will be under the drop down the upper right “date” are of GA)

Now at this point you’ll want to make note of how many total keywords were used- write this number down
04- Go to the top URL and change the portion that says Continue reading SEO: How to Extract Common keywords from Google Analytics?

WordPress: Adding Google Analytics to your WordPress Blog

01– sign up for a Google Analytics account

02- During sign up you will be taken to a Javascript code that you must past into your WordPress site

03– If you already have an account and dont know where your Google Analytics code is…no problem
– Look for your website name on the Google Analytics home page once logged in
– On the right you should see an “Edit” link (next to “delete”
– On the top of the next page look for “Profile Settings: ”
– Over to the right you’ll see the option “Check Status” click that link
– Now grab that code under “Paste this code on your site

04– In your WordPress Theme folder look for the file “Header.phpContinue reading WordPress: Adding Google Analytics to your WordPress Blog