Tag Archives: database error

WordPress: ‘exceeded max_questions’ Database Error Solution | Array

WordpressThis solution does work however, your ISP database managers don’t want you to know it!
(your welcome, by the way)

Why is that?
– They like to keep you at your limit (usually 75K Queries per hour, or worse 50K)
– They’ll charge you $ if you want to increase that to 150K (per month for that matter)
– This solution actually gives you the equivalent of 225K per hour (that is a shit load!)
and best of all, YOUR IN CONTROL

What is this exactly?
Good Question, it is a way to swap user logins when you exceed the 75K queries (automatically behind the scenes – set it and forget it), thus enabling your site to keep functioning rather than getting that nasty error codes (500, or ‘exceeded max_questions’ or database can not connect) when you’ve used too man database resources. It is called a 3 User Array (for inquiring minds)

How does it work?
Instead of the default of 1 login (in your config.php file), it can choose between 3 (or more if you’d like)

Will it get me in trouble?
Not sure, but so far so good!

What should I be aware of?
All 3 database logins must use the same password, or it won’t work

How do I start?
– Log into your SQL Database menu located usually in your account on your ISP
– Create 2 more logins using the same password first!
– write each down, the login names and the 1 password Continue reading WordPress: ‘exceeded max_questions’ Database Error Solution | Array