Category Archives: Wordpress

Wordpress Articles – Tips & Tricks:

While I realize that Wordpress itself is not considered Inbound marketing, certainly blogging is a major component…. if not most important in the inbound scheme of things. With that said, preparing and customizing your blog falls into an important factor in the Inbound scheme of things. I have provided this section to save readers the trouble of searching hundreds of forums for the same information…. Comments and suggestions of course are always welcome.

301 redirect WWW to non WWW (.htaccess)

In some cases you’ll want to make sure and re-direct all usage of WWW to you non WWW web address. This will also consolidate your homepage link juice to make sure that only 1 url is getting credit rather than 2. The formal term for this is “URL canonicalization”

01- Open your .htaccess file in notepad

02- paste in the following code at the top of the document (replace with your own site address)

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

03– save and overwrite your previous file (in root)

Note: you’ll also want to add the additional 301 redirects for the following reasons:

A site can have up to 4 variations. Though what that means is that your link popularity could also be divided between these variations.

Assuming your site address is, you”ll want to have the other 4 variations redirected to

Those other variations could be:

(Now its important to note this level of scrutiny should only be limited to your home page)
(you should also write your code depending on how your end desired URL should look)

Now to further the above code, I also suggest adding the following to and END RESULT like this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

redirect 301 /index.html
redirect 301 /index.htm

Continue reading 301 redirect WWW to non WWW (.htaccess)

Why a favicon.ico is important to SEO? (custom favorites icon)

Not an often written subject, I believe a firm SEO’ed package delivery must include a CUSTOM icon for your home page

What is favicon.ico? – Simply that little icon that appears in your browsers favorites

Oh, that thing – why important?

Simple analogy = users see = users may find or investigate quicker

OK, I get how do I create one?

01-  create a custom icon graphic 16×16 pixels (note at such small size usually a letter or 2 or small icon is appropriate

02– yep, save that on your computer as a jpg Continue reading Why a favicon.ico is important to SEO? (custom favorites icon)

WordPress: How to change the default ‘admin’ user login name?

While the process is simple, I still advise caution in following the steps as written – in other words, if in doubt save a backup first

01- Using your hosts MySQL administration tool (called usually phpmyadmin thru the MySQL menu), locate and select your WordPress database for  your blog

This should open up your phpmyadmin window

Now select your database name
(Ex: d60702954)

02– From your WordPress database, locate and select the WP_USERS TABLE (Note: the wp prefix may differ) and then click the BROWSE icon

03– Locate ADMIN and click the EDIT icon (on left) Continue reading WordPress: How to change the default ‘admin’ user login name?