Tag Archives: David Meerman Scott

Marketing your service, 10 Steps to selling your products in the 21st Century

I would like to thank David Meerman Scott for his initial thoughts on this. This prompted me (after one of his seminars) to take the idea a bit further to introduce solutions to the statements so that marketers have a direction or initial game plan.

The initial points represent the new laws of marketing in the 21st century

01- Generally People don’t care about your product
02- People care about themselves
03- People care about solving their problems

These were my takeaways from this session, however it got me thinking on a proposal game plan if these were what marketers were facing. The following is suggested 10 step marketing take-action plan.

Action Plan:

01-Social Engagement
(Address the problems where the problems are – (Forums, social media outlets (FB, Twitter, Linkedin…)

02- Thought Leadership
(This is a segue off of step 1 – if you can establish yourself as a thought leader, then you can leverage action plan #1 even more)

03-Email blasts (from op tin lists) (Email automation)
(Don’t just market, don’t just sell – Focus on solving first , product 2nd as a solution)

04-Useful Press Releases (targeted problem solving agenda)
(Address the problems head on, put self promotion on the back burner) Continue reading Marketing your service, 10 Steps to selling your products in the 21st Century

Marketing: 4 Top ways to Earn Attention (per David Meerman Scott)

Note: per live seminar

01- Buy Attention
(spend spend spend – buy adverts, tradeshow booth, yellow pages, ads, tv, radio)

02- Bug People
(calls, sales folks, saturate with unwanted medias)

03- Beg People
(Blasting: PR releases, Media Attention Seekers…The here i am, look at me approach)

04- Earn Attention
(Inbound Marketing – see further notes on this) Continue reading Marketing: 4 Top ways to Earn Attention (per David Meerman Scott)