Category Archives: Social Media

Social Media Articles:

Social Media Deactivation options – Facebook | Twitter

There has been a little confusion over keeping, deleting social media pages in the event you want deactivate.
(Meaning you dont want to give up a page, but dont want it live either)
For simplicity I’ve included the options and a suggestion for Twitter

Personal accounts – can be deactivated and reactivated later (pay attention to prompts instructions when deactivating)
Business / Fan pages – can only be deleted – with no reactivation
Business / Fan pages – will delete if your only admin (personal profile) is deleted / canceled
                                         –  as long as it has 1 admin it will stay live.
(takeaway: protect your business page by having more than 1 admin)

Deactivating your account permanently removes your profile and information from Twitter
Before you deactivate your account, you should know: Continue reading Social Media Deactivation options – Facebook | Twitter

Twitter: How to access your Twitter RSS Feeds?

Sometimes, you will find the need to pump in an RSS feed from your Twitter account. This used to be pretty easy, though Twitter has been screwing around with the RSS buttons and options they used to show. So when you go to your page (logged in or not), this former function seems to be missing.

Have no fear as I have 2 shortcuts for you.
Not a big deal, use the 2 URLS below and replace the “XXXX” with your Twitter page name.
Here is how the RSS feed for the SimpleInbound feed looks

To Get an RSS feed on mentions

To get an RSS feed on your posts Continue reading Twitter: How to access your Twitter RSS Feeds?

Twitter: Connecting with your target audience – Going Gaga and not looking back

Tweeting your market
Tweet you niche
Twitter for business professionals
Finding your Twitter niche sites

Ok, Welcome again to more Twitter techniques! As a social marketer, you of course want to stay relevant to your field, market or niche. I mean it’s nice to want EVERYONE to follow you, but of course its more useful if your “Tweets” are being seen by those who would more appreciate them. Grandma Jones, may not want to hear about Lady GaGa’s new tour….get it!

So with that seque I’m going to use Gaga as a good example of tweeting to your niche.

I like to use tools of course, because when you have a list of 50 things to do, time is short for Tweet relevance. For the purpose of this study we’ll use a tool I love to use for this purpose.

It’s a neat little site called

So you’ve started a Twitter site called @Gagamadness (or such…insert fake name here)
Your wanting to key in on sites that like Gaga, like music, like trends maybe with similar culture (like Hot topic). So you’ll want to follow a few steps.

01– Log on to your Twitter account first

02– Now go to and click that top blue link (login (via oauth)
(you might have to start a new account, or maybe not) Continue reading Twitter: Connecting with your target audience – Going Gaga and not looking back

How to create a Facebook Business or Fan page?

Facebook fan page steps?
How to get my business on Facebook?
Kickstarting my Fan page?

(Note: you must have a working personal page first, so that you can be an admin of your business page)

What does that mean?
1- create a personal FB profile page THEN follow below


02– Select what your page will be (brand, product, business…)

03– Hooray – your on your way! Continue reading How to create a Facebook Business or Fan page?

FaceBook: Working replacement for Twiends?

Similar Site to Twiends?
Any other websites similar to/as useful as Twiends?
Facebook Replacement for Twiends
Help getting username on Facebook?

If you’ve check out my article here on getting a Facebook Page username in a hour, then you might have also heard the news that Twiends has had to take down their Facebook service. This is unfortunate and has followed into other sites like So the pressing question is….. what is the working alternative? I’ve dropped by most on the lists but only found one that seems to work on a smaller scale. It needs more sites on it, so spread the word so that it works on a larger scale. It’s easy to use and does the trick.

The site:

Oh, and I couldn’t get it to work on IE, so use Firefox. Continue reading FaceBook: Working replacement for Twiends?

Twitter: Free Mass follow | Mass unfollow a day – kick starting your new Twitter page

I thought I might share a technique that I get asked about quite alot. Now I strongly urge you to first check out my article called “45 Top Ways to get Twitter Followers – The definitive guide, just so you have a strong hold on best and worst practices.  There are plenty of software packages that you can purchase for a relatively small fee that will automate alot of this for you. Sometimes though you might be in a crunch to just get a Twitter account started and its info stream flowing nicely, instead of the dreaded “wait till they come” approach.

Why is this necessary?
Basically “you can’t enjoy a party if noone comes”. So you begin to bait and seed your Twitter channel so that at least you have the opportunity to get conversations started.

I found a great site, that you can do just thing for free. It is called

Here are the simple steps to get this moving:

01– Sign on to your Twitter account (must be logged in)

02– Go to

03– Click on the gray button “Good old Free Tweepi” – or just login at the top

04– This will instantly try and connect its API to “your” Twitter account
(Click the Blue button “Authorize app”) Continue reading Twitter: Free Mass follow | Mass unfollow a day – kick starting your new Twitter page

How to set Admin permissions for a LinkedIn company profile?

How to give Admin rights to other users on a Linkedin company page?
How to add permissions to Linkedin Company profile?
How to Change your company page in LinkedIn or administer rights?

This is assuming you’ve already created a company profile
– you must have a LinkedIn profile
– others you want to add must have a LinkedIn profile
– You must already be an admin for the company profile

01- Select your company (under COMPANIES tab)

02– On the right look for the blue button “Admin Tools

03– From the drop down, click Edit

04– Right away you’ll see a choice:

Company Pages Admins:
– All employees with a valid email registered to the company domain
– Designated users only Continue reading How to set Admin permissions for a LinkedIn company profile?